Spring is almost here, which means it’s time to give your house a
good scrubbing. Not sure where to start? Here are six tips and tricks to help make spring cleaning a breeze.
Keep a daily task sheet. Because the seasons change regularly, your house cleaning will also change. Create and stick with a daily cleaning schedule, so you don’t get overwhelmed when it comes time to deep clean your house.
Maintain a clean bathroom and kitchen. These areas should be a top priority because, typically, this is where people spend most of their time. This will also allow you to focus on other areas of the house, such as ceilings and closets, that may need a more thorough cleaning job.
Get the kids to help. Little kids love to help. Give them a few baby wipes to wipe down shelves and watch that dust disappear.
Start with your windows. Clean the inside and outside of all your windows. Once the light shines into your house, you will be able to see what areas you missed during the wintertime.
Change your filters often. If you are running an AC system through your house, you need to change the filters in the spring and fall. This will help you
reduce the amount of dust particles that build up in your home.
Have the surfaces in your home like
your rugs professionally cleaned. An expert can more times than not remove more dirt and allergens than a regular cleaning can achieve.
Source: https://cachevalleyfamilymagazine.com/five-quick-tips-for-spring-cleaning/